Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Finding Peace

Peace is...

- following God's purpose for your life
- having the courage to follow His vision, even when no one else understands
- surrounding yourself with a positive network of people who truly support you
- being okay with uncertainty because you know God has your back
- when prayer becomes your default instead of worry

Life becomes much easier when these five elements of peace have been mastered.  It does not mean that trouble stops coming, but it does mean you will react differently when difficult situations arise.  Things that used to break you down to tears will now just cause you to pause, pray and let go.  Those "friends" who encouraged you to drown your sorrows at the bar will be replaced by those who instead offer a listening ear or a Bible verse for encouragement.  It even means recognizing that everything is a choice and that if your circumstances are less than ideal, you do have the ability to change them.  The consequences are not always easy, but if you are following His purpose and vision for your life, you will have victory.

Strive to keep the peace in your life, and do not let anyone steal your joy!