Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why Not Start Now?

Like many, I wait in anticipation of the coming year. It always feels like a new beginning and a fresh start. The attitude of regret for not completing goals in 2009 turns into excitement of all I'll accomplish in 2010. With the new year only days away, I want to encourage you to start now. Yes, this is a time of reflection, but instead of focusing on all you didn't do, focus on the actions you can take now to move closer to your purpose. Who said you had to wait until January 1st? For months I've been saying, "Next year I'm going to..." or "When January hits, I'm really going to..." You have probably been saying those same things, but how about replacing those future phrases with some "right now" sayings, such as, "Today I'm going to contact..." or "As soon as I'm done reading this blog post I'll..." 2010 could very well be the best year of your life (I know I'm expecting miracles), but you have to plant the seeds now. I'm sure there are several things that can either be added to or crossed off your to-do list today. Maybe catching up on this blog was one of them. :-)

In 2009, my biggest breakthrough was hearing God's voice again as He gave me clarity of purpose. If you've been following my journey, you know that purpose has to do with re-establishing myself as a full-time business owner and blessing others through that business. My challenge in 2009 was taking action once God confirmed my purpose and trusting Him fully. It's definitely a mindshift to go from thinking a job or person is your ultimate provider to realizing that God takes care of ALL needs. That doesn't mean I never worry, but I'm quicker at recognizing His blessings (financial and otherwise).

To move forward with my goal I've made a point to reconnect with some old business contacts and put myself and my services out there more. Today that meant sending off information about advertising, contacting a business coach and making sure I stay on top of recent project inquiries. For you, this may look like prepping for an upcoming interview or pulling out an old exercise tape (yes, I said tape...some of us still have VCRs).
:-) It may even be opening your journal back up and writing another few lines of your bestselling book. For those who feel their purpose is in corporate America, it may mean sending out holiday greetings to your multifunctional team or doing an outline for a project that formally kicks off in January.

There are only a few more days before 2009 ends. What are you going to do?

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