Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Been One of Those Days...

Have you ever had one of those days, weeks or months when nothing seemed to be going right? I feel like I've been going through "the crazy" for almost the entire month of September. From being sick on/off for weeks to the children running through the house like they have no manners to my computer crashing right before a deadline, it has been difficult. I've been going from, "How am I EVER going to get this done?" panic to "Calm down, God's got you" relief in a matter of hours. This is not a good way to live.

In the midst of life's woes, I have to remember that God is always in control. Anything that appears insurmountable to me is nothing when compared to God's strength, "I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27 NIV)

Today I'm going to focus on that scripture and stop stressing out. Can you do the same? Look at what you thought was negative and focus on how you can turn it around for God's good. I'll take my day today and try to reframe:

- I'm still sick - God has a great purpose for me that I can't achieve unless I'm healthy. He is giving me this time to rest and recuperate, not to keep working.

- Deadlines are looming, and my computer is acting up - Like before, maybe it's time to turn off the computer and relax. Spend time with the family, and focus on work once I've calmed down.

- The kids are driving me crazy - Be grateful for the little ones in my life. There are so many men and women who pray for healthy children and don't have them. I give God thanks for my little speed demons, even when they tear through the house knocking down everything in their path.

Ok...I feel better. I think I'll head home soon to follow my own advice. What about you?

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